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What I watched this time was "The Simple Solution to Traffic". The problem of traffic jams is, among other things, the coordination of drivers. And due to the fact that we are "monkey drivers" with slow motion reaction, we have a problem with traffic jams. In this material is showed structurally systemized solution. Self-driving cars can just be programmed to stay in the middle (between the car driving in front of us and the car in the back) and accelerate simultaneously. As we know, people aren't able to be so precise in traffic to move at the same time. So the problem of traffic are people, and this is solution: no more "monkeys drivers". Our problems are piling up . He spent a long time in the wreckage of her car. Ten minutes later he saw the lights of an  oncoming  car.
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This time I watched video about the "signs of intelligence". One of examples was about taking risk in situation when traffic lights turns yellow - will you stop and wait for the next one or rush before red turns on? After driving simulation tests on people, it turns out that those who take greater risks are smarter than those who prefer to wait. And all this due to the fact that they have more developed neural highway system in their brains. However, the example of nail biting surprised me the most. Well, this habit doesn't quite show that you are nervous, but it helps fight boredom and soothe dissatisfaction. Don't hesitate to ask me any questions. She was babbling so I couldn't understand what she exactly said. We all know that our chief has special  prerogatives.


The video I watched, was about Antarctica. Often it's considered like not very interesting continent, but the movie showed that it also has very fantastic sides. It's worth pay attention to the "blood waterfall", because it looks amazing, and it only due to containing so much iron oxide in it. Also interesting were elongated skulls. They had unusual shape, and they could come from the ancient civilizations from Egypt or Peru. It's curious, how this civilization in Antarctica developed. This ancient civilization had elongated skulls. Each of us has different needs, different levels of endurance . As a teenager he went to work on a  whaling ship.


In the movie what I watched, I learned a lot, about things that propably will happen in the coming years, to 2050. What made me curious, that soon on our planet would be 9 billion of people, around 1.5 billion more than now. Based only on this material, in short, we are waiting for completing a lot of incredible construction projects (for example a new highest building will be finished in 4 years from now), faster development in astronomy and many other interesting changes in the world. The first, was that this absence gave him an  unanticipated  opportunity. My most important work in this period was on  singularities. Rockets were launched into space.


This week, I watched a video about a few unlikely things that could be on other planets. One would think that if it is impossible, here, on Earth, it would be impossible everywhere. However, the universe is much bigger than any of us can believe. The film raised such cases as two shadows, that we could see only when planet has two Suns. Propably somewhere is also a planet, that can have 100's of kilometers deep oceans. And also what is interestingly, next of the planets from this video, has many times faster wind, than our (even 22.000mph). And this wind can has strongly affect on the climate and temperature on both hemispheres. assume - Don't ever assume anything! bizarrely - His hands looked bizarrely large in proportion to mine. fly through - Sometimes they even seemed to be flying through the air.

„Why are alt-right politicians like Bolsonaro becoming more and more popular?”

The victory of Mr. Bolsonaro limits the bitter competition that fragmented families, friendships and raised worry about democracy in Brazil. He also won because of the the fact that crime was growing in the country and there was economic chaos. Part of the reason for the victory of Mr. Bolsonaro was also the collapse of the left-wing. Personally, I think that right-wing politicians are gaining popularity, mainly because when in a country like Brazil for example, with a difficult situation, people are demanding changes and improvements, and consequently, they seek support from other sides than before.