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Wyświetlanie postów z luty, 2018

Who or what is to be blamed for the modern epidemic of obesity?

For the modern epidemic od obesity, we should blame too little physical activity of people and very easily available unhealthy products. Well, in the modern world, most children and young people spend time at home in front of computers, and with books. The same applies to adults, because most of them lead a permanent lifestyle. Usually, after hours spent behind a desk or anywhere else, they come home to rest and don't want to go out and do physical activities anymore. Also people after a whole day don't want to prepare their own healthy meal, but often prefer to eat quick and tasty meals available in stores. And the lack of physical activity and eating unhealthy meals will definitely lead their to obesity.

Should people spend money on space exploration?

People definetely should spend money on space exploration because, as is clear from previous researches, the Earth will be charred in about 1.5 billion years. Mostly because the temperature of the Sun is constantly increasing. So, we have some time, but the sooner we find the answer to this question and understand cosmos, will be the better for us. I cosider that all humanity should invest and be interested in the space exploration so that humanity can survive and colonize the universe. However to achieve this, huge financial outlays are needed, in which the help of all of us would strongly support the works.