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Wyświetlanie postów z wrzesień, 2018


Some time ago at night I met a large group of wild boars, traveling along the road near my home. They looked rather frightened and upset, and this may have resulted from the lights flashed on each side and the noises of cars rang out. In spite of everything, the wild boars managed to cross the road safely, but in this confusion they strongly damaged the fence to cross to the other side of the forest. I watched the whole incident as an observer and it looked quite strange. Well, because a group of wild boars passing through the zebra crossing isn't an everyday sight. But I think that, in that situation when wild boars appeared on the road, all the drivers should stop and let boars to go to the other side, but in this case not everyone did the same and the animals suffered a big shock. Th ey could at least understand a little about the situation of these poor animals.