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Wyświetlanie postów z luty, 2019


This week, I watched a video about a few unlikely things that could be on other planets. One would think that if it is impossible, here, on Earth, it would be impossible everywhere. However, the universe is much bigger than any of us can believe. The film raised such cases as two shadows, that we could see only when planet has two Suns. Propably somewhere is also a planet, that can have 100's of kilometers deep oceans. And also what is interestingly, next of the planets from this video, has many times faster wind, than our (even 22.000mph). And this wind can has strongly affect on the climate and temperature on both hemispheres. assume - Don't ever assume anything! bizarrely - His hands looked bizarrely large in proportion to mine. fly through - Sometimes they even seemed to be flying through the air.