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Wyświetlanie postów z marzec, 2018

"Tree of life" - review

The film "Tree of Life" was presented by David Attenborough. He mainly talks about how various animal species were created from a cell and describes each of these phases in turn. A brief of what has been happening over billions of years is very interesting and can give us endless curiosity, and animations and music have given it the right atmosphere. To sum up, this movie is really worth recommending.

Would I like to work in this hotel?

Would I want to work in such hotel? No, I wouldn't. Because if I had to work there in one of the lower positions, I would feel that I don't do what I want to do and, that I don't enjoy my job. Even, I would like to earn less, but enjoy it and feel alive. Personally, I think that in life we should strive for it and do what we love.